Sonning CC - Protocol for Access to Pavilion and Toilets during Covid-19

These guidelines apply to all members, players (home and away) visiting Sonning Cricket Club and King Georges Field.  These rules apply to all and without exception.


For each session, one member must be identified as the named person with responsibility for the pavilion including oversight of opening, cleaning and closing after use.  The Club Secretary must be notified of named person, in advance.



  • All visitors/players visiting the club will be required to register with up to date contact details.  This is to ensure we are able to track and trace in the event of a COVID-19 emergency.  Details will be retained by the club for 21 days before being securely destroyed.  These details will be collected by the respective home team managers and consist of a list of names and numbers to be supplied by visiting team.
  • It is essential that anyone feeling unwell does not visit the cricket club under any circumstances.  If any visitor/player becomes unwell after a training session and shows symptoms of COVID-19 then please contact immediately so that all necessary players, visitors and coaches can be made aware.
  • Access to the pavilion will be restricted to 3 people maximum at a time.  This allows for the SCC representative monitoring toilet usage and one person in each of the Ladies and gents toilets.  The only exception to this is a minor requiring adult assistance.
  • There will a one-way system in operation in/out of the pavilion.  Please ensure you familiarise yourself with the diagram showing the flow of people through the pavilion.
  • The veranda may only be used for access to/from the pavilion.  Unfortunately, we cannot currently allow standing or sitting on the veranda regardless of weather conditions – please ensure all attending site have made adequate provisions.
  • No food or drink will be available for purchase.
  • On entering the club house please use the hand sanitiser provided.
  • Social distancing guidelines must be adhered to.  These state that groups gathered should not be larger than 6 unless from the same 2 households.   It is now against the law to have a gathering of more than 30 people in a public area.  Please aim to keep social clusters to small numbers where possible and spread out.  Large groups, even socially distanced, must be avoided.


Bar Facilities

  • These are currently closed and the area is off limits apart from the toilets.


Toilet Facilities

  • Access to the toilets will be via the front pavilion door only and will follow the distancing protocol.
  • No queuing inside the pavilion for the toilet and only one person at a time in the toilets, unless supporting a minor.
  • Visitors to the toilet must ensure they wipe down the toilet and sink with antibacterial wipes on leaving and place wipes in the rubbish bin provided.  Hand sanitiser must be used.
  • Paper towels will be available and should be disposed of in the bins provided.
  • The toilets will be checked regularly by assigned members but we would ask that you support the club by ensuring that you thoroughly wipe down the toilet areas, as directed, after they have been used.


Changing Rooms

  • Shower facilities will remain unavailable for the time being.
  • Storing of kit or equipment is not allowed in the Pavilion



  • There will not be any seating available in the pavilion or on the veranda.
  • We would suggest that people bring their own seating and provision for inclement weather.  White plastic chairs will be available but they must be wiped down before making them available and before putting them back at the end of the session.
  • In line with government guidelines, it is encouraged that seating is set up so people are not directly facing each other, to minimise the risk of potential virus transfer.



  • There will now be no smoking on the veranda and we ask that if you do smoke, please ensure to use the buckets provided and do not move them from where they are positioned.


Closing the Pavilion

  • The toilets must be cleaned thoroughly, ensuring there is enough hand soap, paper towels and sanitiser for the next day.
  • The bins in the toilet must be emptied and the plastic liner replaced.
  • All touch points from entering the Pavilion through to the toilets and exit must be cleaned with antibacterial wipes and disposed of in the main bin.
  • The pavilion must be hoovered and the hoover emptied into the main bin bag at the end of the session/game.
  • The main bin bag must be taken away at the end of the day – blue bags can be collected locally on Monday.
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